Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Wednesday, April 29th: What Causes Color?

First: Check your work from yesterday!
Watch this video to check your answers on the 12 EM spectrum questions.  Be sure to email Ms. Dolan if you have questions or bring your questions to today's Zoom meeting.

Is color a real thing?
Today and tomorrow, you will be working to figure out how and why we see color.  You will also learn about why some people don't see color in the same way and how other animals perceive color differently from us. 

Task 1:
Create a note-catcher for yourself on any sheet of paper.  Be ready to write down any new facts you learn about how and why we see colors.

Task 2: 
Watch this video.  Write down any new information you learn.

Task 3: 
Choose at least TWO other resources from the list below.  Watch the videos and/or read the articles.  (You can read/watch more than two!)  Write down any new information you learn.

Live Science: How do we see in color? (reading and video)            

Frontiers for Young Minds: How do we see color? (reading)

8th Grade Science: How we see in color (pictures, videos, and text)

Ted-Ed: How we see color- Colm Kelleher (video)

SciToons: How Do We See Color? (video)

Task 4: 
Answer the following questions.  Write your answers, in complete sentences, below your notes.
1. How much of the electromagnetic spectrum contains waves that are visible to humans?

2. Explain what “colors” are on the electromagnetic spectrum.

3.  Explain how the way light interacts with an object determines the colors we see.

4.  Explain how our eyes and brains determine the colors we see. 

5.  Describe at least two examples of how humans or other animals might see color differently than you do.  

6.  What is something new you learned?

Task 5: 
Send a picture of your notes and your answers to #1-6 to Ms. Dolan.  You have Wednesday and Thursday to complete this task. 

adolan@hccs481.org    ms.dolans_science

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