Monday, May 11, 2020

Tuesday May 12th: Last Two Assignments

Here are your LAST TWO science assignments!
To Do List Reminder Clipart | +1,566,198 clip arts
Task 1: Waves quiz
Study your notes and the flashcards shared yesterday.  Take the quiz whenever you are ready.  Send a picture of your answers to Ms. Dolan:  ms_dolans_science

Task 2: Nature journal
Go outside for one final nature journal entry.  Observe the living/non-living things around you and record your favorite things with words and/or pictures.  Make this your most detailed nature journal ever! Send a picture of your nature journal (and a picture of you outside if possible) to Ms. Dolan:  ms_dolans_science

Thanks for all the great work and enthusiasm this year, 8th graders!  I've LOVED having you in my class! 💚

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Monday, May 11th: Waves Review

8th Graders! This week you will take your 

Watch the video below and then use today to review and practice important waves concepts.  

Or... Use this slide show to practice.  It has the same questions and answers as the flash cards.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Friday, May 7th: Movement Nature Journal

It's Nature Journal Day!

Lots of things in nature move.  Animals, plants, clouds, etc.  Some things move on their own, some thing are moved by something else, like the wind or another animal.

Today for your nature journal, I want you to notice things in nature that are moving.  Try to focus on natural, not human-made things.

  Head outside and set a timer for at least 15 minutes and then look around- What movements do you notice?  
You may use words and/or pictures.

If you'd like to print THIS NOTE-CATCHER, you may.  Otherwise write your observations on any sheet of paper.

Please send your nature journal and any photos/videos you take to Ms. Dolan:   ms.dolans_science

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Thursday, May 7th: Science Magic!

Task 1: Check your answers to yesterday's refraction questions.

Task 2: Be sure you understand the difference between reflection and refraction.
The Law of Reflection | Physics
Reflection = Light bouncing off a surface

Why does light bend its path? - Quora
Refraction = The bending of light

Task 3: Try some Science Magic!!
Refraction causes some optical illusions.  It makes us see things that seem like magic. 
Watch the videos.  Feel free to try some refraction magic for yourself.

Task 4: 
  • If you try science magic, let Ms. Dolan know how it goes!  
  • If you don't understand the difference between refraction and reflection, send Ms. Dolan an email asking for help.
  • If you understand and are feeling confident, send Ms. Dolan a message saying "I'm good" and ask if you are all caught up on work.      ms.dolans_science

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Wednesday, May 6th: Refraction of Light

Happy Wednesday, 8th Grade!
Today let's learn about REFRACTION of light. 

Start by reading the article about refraction of light. 

 How does refraction of light cause a rainbow to form? | Socratic 

Once you've finished reading, answer the 4 questions below.

1.  What does “refraction” mean?

2.  The speed of light is NOT always the same.  Explain.

3.  Explain how refraction works.

4.  Describe 5 different ways human innovators use refraction to make our daily lives easier or better.

Send your answers to Ms. Dolan:  or  ms.dolans_science

Monday, May 4, 2020

Tuesday, May 5th: Exploring Reflection at Home

Task 1: Click through the slides to check/review your answers to the Reflection Questions from yesterday:

Task 2: Conduct your own exploration of reflected light at your home with whatever you can find.  You may come up with your own reflection experiment or you can choose ONE or more of the options below. Have fun!

Task 3: Share what you did with Ms. Dolan.  Include photos, videos, and/or a written description of what you did, what you discovered, and what you learned.     ms.dolans_science

Option 1: Secret Code
Decipher my message and come up with your own code using a mirror.

Option 2: Spectral Scavenger Hunt

Option 3: Light Target Challenge

Option 4: Light-the-Maze Challenge

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Monday, May the 4th: Reflecting Light

Good Monday morning, 8th graders!
This week we will be reading about and exploring some of the "behaviors" of light.

Start by reading the article about reflection of light. 

What is reflection of light -Science for Kids - YouTube

Once you've finished reading, answer the 8 questions below.

1.    What is light?

2.    Name the four “behaviors” of light.

3.    The only reason we can see things is because…

4.    Name and describe the difference between two types of reflection.

5.    Identify 2 objects in your house that give off a specular reflection and two objects in your house that give off a diffuse reflection.  

6.    What 3 things can happen to light when it hits an object?

7.    The explanation of how mirrors work was pretty technical.  Describe what you understand about how mirrors work.

8.    Name and briefly describe the 3 types of mirrors.

Send your answers to Ms. Dolan:  or  ms.dolans_science